Sunday, July 1, 2012

Microsoft buy wymar by 120 million dollars

For the business world 'quite' social networking sites like Facebook Wymara Microsoft bought 1 million dollars in exchange for the 0. News Yahoo News - The.

Almost two weeks after news of the agreement, Microsoft and Wymar in the June 5 release. Business groups and social networking for the benefit of its employees  Wymar it. Wymar of 5 million users have already exceeded.

Wymar purchase through a large change in the tekanolajite Microsoft has announced. Demand for Internet services and social networking sites now days. The idea of ​​being so, the world's largest software brand in the competitive position of Microsoft's vigorous effect to the purchase.

The video chat and online telephony service Skype 011: Microsoft bought in 850 million dollars. Microsoft's 37-year history, it was the best purchase of the business.

Four years ago, established the San phransisakote oyaimara. In the four years of income of 1 million 4 million dollars. Wymar syakasa CEO David said, 'We started four years ago, when Wymar, it is our plan was to big. The concept of using social networking sites we wanted to give a different dimension. Microsoft has been involved in the more successfully we can achieve that, I think. '


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